Kursus med Robert Biswas-Diener den17+18 juni

Vores gode ven Robert Biswas-Diener (en af verdens førende eksperter i positiv psykologi) er i København i næste uge for at holde et kursus om personlige styrker. Det er ikke os der arrangerer det, men vi vil gerne lave reklame for det alligevel, fordi Roberts kurser er så gode og spændende som de er.

Temaet er mod, nysgerrighed og kreativitet:

This workshop gives participants an introduction to the science of Positive Psychology and presents more advanced concepts related to courage, curiosity and creativity. Dr. Biswas-Diener will present new research and theory on these personal strengths that can be translated into higher workplace performance. As with all of his trainings, Dr. Biswas-Diener will focus heavily on coaching and practical applications of the material.

Det foregår den 17. og 18. juni og det bliver helt sikkert fantastisk.

The “Three C’s” of Success: Courage, Curiosity and Creativity

A 2-day workshop with Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener

In the current economy workers are likely to feel extra pressure to deliver bottom line results. Levels of stress in many Western, industrialized nations have risen dramatically in the past two years. Much of this anxiety can be linked to workplace stress. The science of Positive Psychology offers a unique solution to the issues of both organizational performance and individual stress. By focusing on human capital managers, coaches, educators and consultants can help transform soft skills into hard bottom-line numbers.

This workshop gives participants an introduction to the science of Positive Psychology and presents more advanced concepts related to courage, curiosity and creativity. Dr. Biswas-Diener will present new research and theory on these personal strengths that can be translated into higher workplace performance. As with all of his trainings, Dr. Biswas-Diener will focus heavily on coaching and practical applications of the material.

What participants will get out of this workshop:

  • A free pass code to take the Realise2 strengths assessment (a $25 dollar value)
  • A free PDF positive psychology workbook (a $18 dollar value)
  • Specific skills related to identifying and labeling strengths
  • Increased knowledge of courage, curiosity and creativity
  • Coaching demonstrations and advice


Day 1 – Strengths, Curiosity, and Creativity


An invitation to strengths

Topics include: Building a Strengths Vocabulary, Spotting Strengths and Coaching for Strengths Development

Coaching strengths demonstration


Introduction to Curiosity

Topics include: Benefits of curiosity, Curiosity and anxiety tolerance, Curiosity and relationships

Managing curiosity in yourself and others

Introduction to Creativity

Topics include: The Humor Floodgate, Group Creativity, The Creativity Timelines and Models of Creativity

The costs and benefits of creativity

Coaching creativity

Day 2 – the Strengths of the Realise2, and courage


Introduction to the Realise2 strengths assessment

Topics include: Developing your own strengths plan, Organizational uses of the Realise2


Introduction to courage

Topics include: Personal versus General Courage, Courage Blindness, Risk-Taking, Controlling Fear and Activating Values.

Assessing risk-taking

Developing personal courage

Coaching courage


Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener is a happiness researcher, coach, and strengths consultant. He has trained thousands of professionals in 15 countries and is deeply committed to high quality education. He is known for using his humor and storytelling ability as vehicles for teaching complex topics. Robert is author of Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching (2010), The Strengths Book (2010) and Happiness: Unlocking the mysteries of psychological wealth (2008).

Praktiske oplysninger:

Sted: Villa Venire, Langebrogade 4, 2. sal, 1411 København K.

Tid: Torsdag d. 17. juni og fredag d. 18. juni kl. 9.30-16.30.

Pris: Pr. dag kl. 2250 kr. + moms. Begge dage 4000 + moms. Der gives 10 % rabat til medlemmer af SEBC. Ved tre eller flere samtidige tilmeldinger gives 20 % rabat. Der kan højest opnås 20 % rabat pr. deltager, også for medlemmer af SEBC.

Bemærk at det til forskel fra tidligere år er muligt at melde sig til en af dagene eller begge dage.

Pladserne besættes efter først til mølleprincippet. Tilmelding er bindende, når tilmeldingen er bekræftet. Hvis du bliver forhindret i at deltage, kan du overdrage pladsen til en anden.

Kurset arrangeres af Jens Boris Larsen gennem Selskab for Evidensbaseret Coaching. Tilmelding og yderligere oplysninger: formand@sebc.dk.

Skrevet af alexander

Alexander stiftede Arbejdsglæde nu i 2003 og er en af verdens førende eksperter i emnet. Han har skrevet 5 bøger om arbejdsglæde og holdt hundredevis af foredrag i næsten 50 lande.

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