Jeg er citeret i London Sunday Times

I går bragte London Sunday Times en artikel om arbejdsglæde, hvor en række eksperter på området fortæller hvorfor det er godt at kunne lide sit job og hvordan man kommer til det.

Det går egentlig fint nok i artiklen, men så citerer de det her fjols:

The biggest single step that individuals can take is to choose to be happy, said Alex Kjerulf, chief happiness officer at the Happy at Work Consultancy and the author of Happy Hour is 9-5. “Rather than settling for a job that’s not too bad, say to yourself ‘I want to be happy at work’,” he said. “You can be happy as a bus driver, as a mortuary worker, as a doctor . . . but a lot of people don’t seem to want to be.”

Kjerulf, who is Danish, attributes this to an innate British tendency to see work as something to be endured rather than enjoyed. “Danes have more of an expectation that work should be fun, something that people should look forward to in the morning. Yes, we want the salary and the benefits but more than that we want to be happy.”


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Skrevet af alexander

Alexander stiftede Arbejdsglæde nu i 2003 og er en af verdens førende eksperter i emnet. Han har skrevet 5 bøger om arbejdsglæde og holdt hundredevis af foredrag i næsten 50 lande.

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